From Status | Explanation |
Drafted | You have not submitted your in-progress refund request form. |
Pending | The form has been received by the FTA and is pending review. |
Resubmit | The FTA requires additional information after reviewing the form. |
In Progress – Under Review FTA | An FTA official is currently reviewing your refund request form. |
In Progress – Under Review VB | A Verification Body official is currently reviewing your refund request form. |
In Progress – Verified FTA | An FTA official has reviewed your form and submitted for approval. |
In Progress – Verified VB | The form has been verified by the Verification Body and submitted back to FTA. |
Reviewed | FTA has completed the review and your request will be processed shortly. |
Reject | The refund request has been rejected. |
Approved | The refund request has been approved and the refund has been processed. |
After successful form submission, you will receive an acknowledgement email from the FTA confirming the receipt of your request.
If FTA requires any additional information, you will be notified via email with a list of details you need to provide. In this case, the refund form will be in Resubmit status. You can edit the form with additional details while it is in this state.
Procedure for form resubmission
- Log in to your account. Your refund request form will be in Resubmit status.
- Click the Edit button to update or add information.
- If needed, you can leave comments for FTA before resubmitting the form. Use the Resubmit Comment field at the bottom of the form.
- Click the Resubmit button. Your updated request form will be sent to the FTA for review.
Verification Body
A Verification Body is an FTA-approved third party that reviews expenditure, invoices, and VAT incurred by applicants to verify their refund claims.
Documents to be submitted to the Verification Body
The following documents should be submitted to the Verification Body:
- The refund form which includes your reference number. This form will be stamped and shared by the FTA.
- The construction plan of your building
- The tax invoices which will be used to claim refunds. You should make sure that these invoices include valid TRNs, VAT amounts, and the name of the applicant/owner. Simplified invoices will not be accepted.
Your Verification Body will provide details about how to proceed with the application and what fees they will charge for the review process. You cannot claim VAT refunds for the verification body fees.The verification body will process your request within 15 days and hand over the signed and stamped verification report to the FTA. This report will contain the total VAT amount to be refunded. You will also receive a copy of the report from the verification body.
Processing by the FTA
The refund application will be processed by the FTA within 20 business days, once they receive the verification report from the verification body. The taxpayer will be notified regarding this via e-mail and once the claim is processed and approved, the FTA will make the refund payment within 5 business days.