
Tax Registration, Filing Of Tax Returns And Payment Of Corporate Tax

All taxable persons (including persons based in the free zone) must register for corporate tax with the Federal Tax Authority and obtain a corporate tax registration number. The FTA may also require certain exempt persons to register for corporate tax.
Taxable persons must submit a tax return for corporate tax for each tax period within 9 months from the end of the relevant tax period. In general, the same time period for payment of any corporate tax due will apply in relation to the tax period for which a tax return is submitted.
The chart below shows two examples of the deadlines for registering for corporate tax, filing tax returns, and paying corporate tax due relating to taxable persons whose tax period (fiscal year) ends on May 31 or December 31 (respectively). 

How Do You Prepare For Corporate Tax?


Where Can You Find More Information?

Please visit the website of the Ministry of Finance and the website of the Federal Tax Authority to view frequently asked questions and obtain more information.